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It's that time of year!
Rehearsals begin 6/24 for Chorus and 6/26 for Band

There are no formal COVID protocols this year.  Please do what you need to do to feel safe during rehearsals.  If you want to wear a mask, please feel free to do so.  Please stay home and skip a rehearsal if you are feeling unwell.

Band 1st Rehearsal:

Band rehearsals are held in the Groton High School band room.  You may park in the small parking area near the band room or in the main parking lot and walk up the driveway around to the band room entrance.

Registration will be at the table in the band room.  There will be signs in the parking lot directing you to the proper entrance. In the building, you will be greeted and directed to the registration table.  Rehearsals are in the band room.   

At the registration table there will be 3 lines, labeled as follows:


  1.  Pre-Registered:  Those that pre-registered by email or registration form will have a music folder ready for pick-up.  A name tag will be attached to the folder which can be placed on your music stand.  If a photo release form needs to be signed, that will also be attached to your folder. 

  2. Not Pre-Registered, Past Participant:  If you did not pre-register and have participated in the band or chorus in the past, you will be asked to verify or update your contact information on the past participant list.  If a photo release form needs to be signed, you will be given a form.  A music folder will then be assigned to you.  The number of the folder should be noted on the participant list.  A name tag will be made for you. 

  3. Not Pre-Registered, New Participant:  If you have never participated in band or chorus in the past, you will be asked to complete a registration form as well as a photo release form. A music folder will then be assigned to you.  The number of the folder should be noted on the registration form.  A name tag will be made for you.   


When you are done at the registration table, you may select a seat and music stand that is in your instrument section.  Name tags should be placed over the top of the music stand.

Rehearsals are 7 to 9pm with a short break around 8pm.  Rest rooms and a water fountain are available.

Percussion instruments are property of Groton School District, so please use them respectfully.

Please note:  All music and folders must be returned to the DAIB&C after the concerts.  If you decide that the group isn't for you, please return your music folder as soon as possible.

Chorus 1st Rehearsal:

Chorus rehearsals are located at the Dryden United Methodist Church parish hall at the four corners in Dryden.  At this time we are unsure if we will be able to park in the lot behind the church.  Please park in the Presbyterian Church parking lot (there is an opening in the fence which will allow you to walk through to DUMC) or use on-street parking if you need handicapped access.  Come in via the street-level door on the Rt. 392 side of the building.  One of our board members will be directing traffic so you will know where to park and where to enter if you are new to our group.

The registration table will be located to the right as you walk in the door.  There will be a line for pre-registered members and a registration line for newcomers.  You will pick up your music folder at the registration table.

You may sit anywhere for the first rehearsal.  We have a short introduction session and then we will begin with vocal warm-up exercises.

Rehearsals are 7 to 9pm with a short break around 8pm.  Rest rooms and a water fountain are located in the hallway through the door leading to the rest of the building.

Please note:  All music and folders must be returned to the DAIB&C after the concerts.  If you decide that the group isn't for you, please return your music folder as soon as possible.

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